Title of the article Historical and Legal Aspects of Development of Institute of Civil Service in Ukraine (from the Time of the Existence of Kievan Rus to the Establishment of the USSR)
Doctor of Law, Docent, Leading Research Officer of the Department of Research Work Organization, National Academy of Internal Affairs
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4/1’2018
Pages [54–58]
Abstract In article, on the basis of scientific literature, historical and legal analysis of the development of the Civil Service Institute of Ukraine from the time of the existence of Kievan Rus to the formation of the Soviet Union. It was established that in the defined historical period, the service itself was not so much a professional hired activity as a manifestation of duty, a submission to the ruler (the prince), which embodied both legislative, executive and judicial power. It is stressed that from the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century, the public service began to gain more and more signs of special professional activity, and certain aspects of its implementation are increasingly reflected in the relevant legal acts.
Keywords civil service; historical and legal aspect; emergence; development; state apparatus.
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